We support SRPF and donate a portion of the proceeds from the youth based events we facilitate to support their mission: To educate and empower youth to appreciate, protect, and preserve nature.

SRPF Mission and Vision

Our mission: Educate and empower youth to appreciate, preserve and protect nature.

Our vision: Children and youth in our communities will become the new generation of environmental stewards with an active understanding and love for the natural world in which they live. Our unique program of funding and developing hands-on environmental programs is designed to encourage innovative projects that inspire, educate and empower children and youth to appreciate, preserve and protect nature.

We accomplish this…

  • through the hard work of dedicated volunteers, Docents and teachers,
  • with the help of our many partners, from individuals and governments to local nonprofits and corporate donors,
  • and by using an inclusive and collaborative approach to program development and staying true to our six unique core values.

Why We Support Them:

We believe in the concept of the village, we are all connected, and to convey that message and “walk our talk” we believe in promoting and showcasing like-minded people and organisations.  SRPF, like ID-ologies, is passionate about making our village, Earth, a more socially just, humane and environmentally conscious planet.  SRPF exemplifies these ideals and provides our youth with the opportunity to become involved in dynamic programs that inspire a new generation of “environmental heroes”.

Please visit the Santa Rosa Plateau Nature Education Foundation website at srpf.org